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The 11th Hour Podcast: ft Greg Broadmore

The 11th Hour Podcast: ft Greg Broadmore Logo

FLUF World 11th Hour

Watch video or read notes, with huge thanks, from NFTBro (give him a follow on Instagram and Twitter)

  • 50 full time in Alex’s team ("FLUF time" - 16 hours a day 🤯😴)
  • Brooke loves Asian food for breakfast eg shredded duck fried rice his wife has banned him from it but Uber Eats is a thing 🍜
  • Only two weeks ago Aaron dropped airdrop April on everyone
  • EGGs -
    • team loves giving back for free.
    • helpful around tax time too for liquidity if needed.
    • A lot of utility to come with these. “What effect does music have on babies in the womb?”
    • This music is ominous what effect will it have on the babies?!
  • There was an Easter egg contained within in the EGG. Barcode once decoded had a special message. Three people cracked this
  • Naming of EGGs a little more subtle but a nod of appreciation to these female scientists. Their areas of expertise have a slight effect on these.
  • Breeding not as simple as a male and female FLUF coming together layering.
  • EGGs can they be used for breeding more than just FLUFs? Alex answer was 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • April so far
    • YAT gem/egg free claim.
    • EGGs free claim.
    • Mike Shinoda sound drop (first double length song).
    • Ray guns free claim this week.
    • AngelBaby scene drop today.
    • Few more AB scenes to be airdropped - info to follow on this…
    • Finally - honeypot airdrop going to take a little longer so maybe the 42nd of April (will come ASAP)
  • Greg Broadmore from Weta Workshop. Showed a physical man melter one of the NFT ray gun types
  • First Zoom with Weta and FLUF included Sir Richard Taylor and others and their minds were then full of ideas of how their artistry and world building could work in the NFT space
  • Episode 1 of Dr Gs world was shown - check out the podcast video on YouTube
  • Seekers carry the ray guns but probably don’t use them
  • Three different models of ray guns. This is the first of two drops. Total supply of whole collection is 5005.
  • There is a hint in the Broadmore image with FLUF and ray gun.
  • First tease of Saturn 17 - check the podcast YouTube video around 30mins - EPIC
  • Sound design is 50% of these
  • You could bring these guns into future games
  • If you have a 1/1 PartyBear or Gold/Silver FLUF you got airdropped a raygun. Check your hidden folder
  • Greg shared a sneak his band Endboss’s album. Alex said sounds like a good idea for Goblin Town
  • The gun numbers are all randomised (for Brookes competition)
  • David from ASM joined with a Arena background. It is the hotcakes arena, so cool! (Around 40 mins in video) or in ASM Discord
  • Anabela and Ben from Seekers joined. Ben had a maybe Seeker leak background? Very shiny. It’s the sporty speedy ‘Maserati’ Seeker
  • Seekers roughly 2 weeks away from reveal. Standards will start to reveal first. Seeing new people enter the ecosystem which is what they were hoping for.
  • They have been working with Greg and Weta. Also talking to a list of other people which is full of surprises.
  • Some Seekers will look different to others. Lots of ways to engage with Seekers moving forward. Building in ways of Seekers finding more worlds
  • The tech the team are building is very ‘techy’ trying to make it understandable and usable for those who aren’t ‘techy’
  • The raygun holding Seeker is some serious alpha. Skin, armour, attachments
    Anabela would be stoked to get that Seeker.
  • Talked about Bens BG. Seekers have different strengths. Eg fast, strong? Was going to be four chassis but might be more..
  • theprawns.xyz have a Seekers countdown to the 9th of May (America time)
  • Another Seekers image around 50 mins in the podcast. Talking about it Two Seekers have the same paint scheme have similar experiences and traits. Finding ways to gamify web3. Seeker’s are the embodiment of Sylo nodes. Gamify node infrastructure and make it fun for people who would otherwise not be interested.
  • In the meantime when they rollout the incentivisation of the Sylo network there will be slightly different ways for people to earn from nodes and support the comms network
  • Concept factions, orders, and clans. Their physical attributes or experiences or what they’ve bought back are what these groups are formed around. Layering this over the comms network means some communities can look after hardware and keep things up and running
  • Infrastructure hasn’t been required for gameplay in the past. You join a clan or faction with your hardware and you get elevated rights within the game.
  • ASM - David and Carmen. Heads down build phase currently.
  • Genome mining coming soon - before end of LBA lockup period
  • Intelligence mining on the way. Send off asset and have it trained for a specific task for you. Coming out before the game
  • AIFA game going to pre alpha soon
  • Also building with NFL and ABG the Muhammad Ali boxing game
  • Also partner outreach - bringing in third parties to build more content and experiences. In discussion with existing NFT projects - cool creative projects out there they’re talking with. Also AAA IP stuff as well but longer timescales with these.
  • Gaming world divided into two factions those who like NFTs and those that don’t. What are the meetings like with AAA companies? In reality there’s two sides within 5% of the gaming space. A long way to go for mass market adoption. A lot of room and space to grow. Some companies will spend a year researching so when you do have a conversation then they get it. A few that haven’t done any research the conversations are harder, they don’t understand the technology layer.
  • So many discussions ongoing but can’t really talk about them
  • ATEM Discord is live if you haven’t joined already
  • The mint will be in $ASTO - shows how important ASTO will be to the wider ecosystem.
  • Excited for the design of the Gen2 brain - could be tomorrow on their ASM AMA (12pm Sat NZT) or def within two weeks
  • Genome mining is important because it provides more brain assets to the marketplace. Which is important to get mass market adoption. Need the brains to be cheap for those smaller games. This first event will be ASM showing how they think it should be done and work
  • You need four brains and four all stars for the game. This will be the chance to get your team ready. (They don’t need to be gen1 brains)
  • Brooke gave away and raygun and if you @ him on Twitter with your all star team and name
    he’ll give away an AIFA all star to someone.
  • Brooke joining Fluf discord shortly for chat.

THanks again to NFTBro for your notes from the AMA

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Design & Development by RichieRich Rich Deane (RichieRich)
Content by Fluffy Fluffy Kiwi   & RichieRich The PRAWNS
With thanks to  ShayShow @TheShaysh0w   & Somnium Magnus @Somnium_Magnus   & Str1p3 @Str1p3
Fluf Haus Mix by  No Credits Left.   Fluf Sounds Available On  OpenSea
Built By The Community, For The Community.
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Playlists / 37

  • Fluf Haus MixNo Credits Left (@0CreditsLeft)
  • MessiahFairfields
  • I Love FlufYoung & Sick
  • Let The Story BeginThe Beastie Bears
  • Beyond The GatesFairfields
  • Lucky FootMike Shinoda
  • Ear WobblerFairfields
  • Follow YouFairfields
  • How You FeelFairfields
  • Floating or FlyingFairfields
  • FLUF You UpFairfields
  • DubhopFairfields
  • Electric CarrotsFairfields
  • Let It GoFairfields
  • How Could YouFairfields
  • Space FluffleFairfields
  • Back In The BurrowFairfields
  • NFT (Instrumental)AngelBaby
  • Fluf OceanDude Skywalker
  • HigherFairfields
  • Desert DiggingFairfields
  • Wouldn't It BeFairfields
  • Reggae RabbitsFairfields
  • Coffee and CarrotsFairfields
  • What the FLUFFairfields
  • ShadowsFairfields
  • L.O.V.EFairfields
  • I Like to PartyFairfields
  • StardustFairfields
  • Latin FiestaFairfields
  • RabbitonFairfields
  • Disco RabbitFairfields
  • All I NeedFairfields
  • Run RabbitFairfields
  • Hop On ByFairfields
  • Hop With MeFairfields
  • Eating Carrots in the DarkFairfields
List loop